| Cloud Landing Zone

Design, verification, construction, and deployment of Cloud Landing Zones using automation

| Cloud Landing Zone

Design, verification, construction, and deployment of Cloud Landing Zones using automation


Whether your firm is just beginning a cloud migration journey or looking to optimize your existing cloud services, security, time restrictions, migration, and management costs are frequent concerns. Furthermore, businesses like yours may find it difficult to fully comprehend the organizational impact of the cloud due to inadequate cloud skills and a lack of expertise necessary to sustain infrastructure across numerous cloud service providers, making expert advice essential.

All of these problems and more are resolved by a well-planned Cloud Landing Zone. A Cloud Landing Zone, which serves as a template for safe and efficient migration, gives cloud platforms the structure they need.

The Cloud Landing Zone abilities offered by LCI Systems include build and deployment for all significant cloud service technologies, assessment for current environments, and a brand-new design. We are able to deliver fully customizable, function-specific Cloud Landing Zone solutions in a timely and cost-effective manner because of our skilled delivery staff, automated approach, and access to funding opportunities through our cloud service provider partners.


Utilizing a verified baseline cloud infrastructure.

By using an enhanced and automated adoption strategy.

Using a framework built on best practices compliance, and security.

Our Approaches

We undertake administration, operations, and network and security workshops to obtain an in-depth knowledge of the company’s requirements.

The automated collecting of infrastructure, performance, and financial projection data is done through the usage of our Inskyeamize software platform.

We combine data from many sources to produce a blueprint that is in line with your migration strategy and corporate goals.

Using designs developed in a Inskyeamize “Build” Gallery, we deploy infrastructure-as-code to the desired cloud service provider.

Start by preparing a proposal for a 24-hour migration.

With our round-the-clock SaaS cloud migration proposal service, you may get a cloud migration strategy that is customized to the objectives of your company.

Try our Cloud Landing Zone service